

  • Big_blue_Swirls

Big blue Swirls

Signature taste of blueberry blended with the freshness of mint.

  • Big_Green

Big Green

A signature flavor encompassing the finest of cooling agents.

  • Double_crunch

The Double Crunch

Delicate flavors of apples paired with tart anise undertones.

  • Magic_Love

Magic Love

An aromatic blend, thick with flavors and mint undertones.

  • Green_Chu

Green Chu

A refreshing minty blend reminiscent of spearmint gum.

  • Red_Green_Smash

Red Green Smash

A flavorful blend enveloped in mint undertones.

  • White_flash

White Flash

A heavenly mix of citrus with a hint of mint.

  • Big_yellow_green

Big yellow green

A blend of piquant flavors and minty aftertaste.

  • Snowy_Fuchsia_Green

Snowy Fuchsia Green

The Coolness of mint and richness of raspberries steeped to perfection for a great taste.

  • Grapio_green

Grapio Green

A signature blend of grapes with a cool menthol finish.

  • Frosty_Double_Crunch

Frost Double Crunch

The traditional tartness of apples blended with cool mint notes.

  • Green_Chu


A delicate and light mix with minty undertones.

  • Snowy_Chu

Snowy Chu

An icy cool mix of gum with fresh spearmint undertones.

  • Grapio


The taste of zesty grapes with a delicate aroma.

  • Big_blue

Big Blue

Full-bodied blueberries, delicate in taste and fragrance.

  • Green_velvet

Green Velvet

A unique blend of rich cream and minty menthol that lingers in taste.

  • Red_smash

Red Smash

A perfect blend of fresh flavors with a calming aftertaste.